Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Special Easter

This morning, on April 20, 2014, all the students woke up at 5 a.m. and walked to the Garden Tomb where we got reserved seats right beside the empty tomb. There was a Christian program that we listened to with Christian music and read the versus in the Bible of the resurrection of Christ while we watched the sunrise over the Garden Tomb. It was one of the coolest Easter mornings I’ve had. Thousands of Christians were there and again, it was fun joining them in unity as we read of the resurrection of the Savior. There really aren’t that many differences among Christian faiths when you see it as a whole. It is one experience that I will never forget! I've also been to the places the exact day that the event's happened to Christ. I've become a pilgrim, following the footsteps of the Savior. 
Last night, we had a special program of the Upper room and a reenactment of the Last Supper. My Ancient Near Eastern professor gave us what the symbolism behind everything meant of the Last Supper.

This Jerusalem program has let me know the Savior a lot better and I have gained a greater love for Him. I’m excited to get to know him more as the years roll by. I know that Christ was resurrected and that we can all live with Him again one day. I know that my redeemer lives! Happy Easter!
Garden of Gethsemane

Church of All Nations

The rock where Christ prayed and suffered

The Last Supper

Christian Easter Sunrise program 

Christian Easter Sunrise program 

"He is not here - for He is risen!"

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