Sunday, April 20, 2014

Masada, Qumran, En Gedi, and Dead Sea. Quite a Day!

For one of the last field trips, we visited these places. It was a full long, exciting, and enlightening day. Qumran is the place where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. The most famous ones are from cave 4, and in which my Ancient Near Eastern professor was on that cave 4 Dead Sea Scroll team, excavating it when they found the scrolls. So I got a picture with a famous star in front of what he worked on for years, cave 4. It was cool because there were ruins of homes next to towering mountains will numerous caves in them. We also saw graves from the ancient times that were piles of rocks grouped together, and they were everywhere on the ground. It was very interesting!
Next, we went to Masada! My sweet mother has asked me over and over when I’m going to Masada, and so I finally can tell her I’ve been! It was a lot cooler than I thought it would be. There was the option of taking the tram up to the top or hiking a long the trail to the top. There were so many ruins that got me way excited. There was also a synagogue on the side of a cliff that we had to hike down and see. It’s crazy to just imagine the history behind Masada. Those of you who are reading, I recommend the movie (really a mini-series) “Masada,” filmed in 1981. It was filmed on the actual place, and will capture your attention. Masada contains one of the biggest cisterns in Israel. I saw the siege ramp that the Romans built to get on top and conquer the place. We explored it for a couple hours and I actually paid the extra 20 shekels to get into the Masada museum. It was the best decision I made while there. It had the real painted columns and the remains of what was found by Yadin, like bowls with food still in them, a braid from a girl’s hair, cooking supplies, and other everyday living items. Everyone will love this place, even if you’re not that interested in history.

We went to En Gedi again and hiked to a couple of waterfalls in the hot humidity. That place is so fun for people who like to hike, explore, and do exotic things. It was gorgeous. And we went to the Dead Sea afterward, which you float when you’re in the water, since the water contains 33% salt (versus the ocean which has 3.3% salt). Also, NEVER get the salt water in your eyes! You won’t be able to open them for 20 minutes! We also covered ourselves in Dead Sea mud, which people sell all over the world because it’s so good for your skin. Anyways, it was a great, eventful day!

My ANE professor in front of what he was apart of, Cave 4.


The Dead Sea from Masada


Siege ramp


Ein Gedi

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